Network operators in Saarland
Source: wvgw Wirtschafts- und Verlagsgesellschaft Gas und Wasser mbH, Bonn
Go to application ‘Water network operators’
Go to application ‘Gas network operators’
Go to application ‘Electricity network operators’
The portal application ‘Network operators in Saarland’ currently offers an interactive survey map of areas supplied by water, gas and electricity networks, as well as technical information about utilities in Saarland, combined with aerial photos and graphic maps.
You can search for addresses to obtain an overview of the areas supplied by WATER, GAS and ELECTRICITY network operators in Saarland. You can run technical data queries to view details of network operators and their websites, so as to access additional information – on drinking water quality, for example.
Please note: the data hosted in GeoPortal is not provided in an official or legal capacity and makes no claims to be exhaustive. For information of a legally binding nature, please contact the companies concerned.
German Technical and Scientific Industry Association for the Gas and Water Sectors (DVGW) –
Saarland Chapter (DVGW-LG Saarland)
Saarland Association of Energy and Water Management (VEWSaar)
The DVGW represents the interests of the gas and water sectors in technical and technical/scientific matters. For over 150 years, the DVGW has promoted safety and quality standards in the gas and water sectors, and offers a platform for the interdisciplinary sharing of technical expertise and experience. The DVGW’s Saarland Chapter consists of more 56 companies and more than 300 individual members.
VEWSaar represents its members’ interests vis-à-vis policymakers, the media, the general public and industry professionals at state level, and also cooperates with the Federal Association of Energy and Water Management (BDEW) in Berlin. VEWSaar represents a total of 65 member companies.