Landesplanung/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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<p>Graphical specifications can be viewed by the general public in the State Planning Office at the Ministry for the Environment, Keplerstraße 18, 66117 Saarbrücken. In parallel to the publication of the State Development Plan, subsection ‘Environment’, in the Saarland Official Journal, part A, ‘Textual specifications with rationale/explanations’ and part B, ‘Graphical specifications’, have also been made available to the general public here. As a final point, readers are advised that this replaces the 6th Amendment to the State Development Plan, ‘Environment (land-use planning for open spaces, and commercial/industrial use)’, dated 5 March 1999.</p>
<p>Graphical specifications can be viewed by the general public in the State Planning Office at the Ministry for the Environment, Keplerstraße 18, 66117 Saarbrücken. In parallel to the publication of the State Development Plan, subsection ‘Environment’, in the Saarland Official Journal, part A, ‘Textual specifications with rationale/explanations’ and part B, ‘Graphical specifications’, have also been made available to the general public here. As a final point, readers are advised that this replaces the 6th Amendment to the State Development Plan, ‘Environment (land-use planning for open spaces, and commercial/industrial use)’, dated 5 March 1999.</p>
'''Hinweis zu den Vorranggebieten für Windenergie (VE):'''<br />
'''Notes on priority areas for wind power (VE):'''<br />
''The Ordinance for the 1st Amendment to the State Development Plan, subsection ‘Environment (land-use planning, environment and infrastructure)’, concerning the revocation of the state planning-related exclusionary effect on priority areas for wind power, entered into force on 27 September 2011.''
''Am 27. September 2011 trat die Verordnung über die 1. Änderung des Landesentwicklungsplanes, Teilabschnitt „Umwelt (Vorsorge für Flächennutzung, Umweltschutz und Infrastruktur)“ betreffend die Aufhebung der landesplanerischen Ausschlusswirkung der Vorranggebiete für Windenergie in Kraft.''
'''Hinweis zu den Standortbereichen für die Gewinnung von Rohstoffen (BR):'''<br />
'''Hinweis zu den Standortbereichen für die Gewinnung von Rohstoffen (BR):'''<br />

Version vom 28. März 2022, 10:52 Uhr

State Development Planning

Lake Bostalsee


Important: On 3 September 2004, a previously incorrect presentation of the priority areas for flood protection in the Saartal region between Saarhölzbach and Saarlouis was corrected. Accordingly, please do not use any printouts from this area that were created before the specified date.

Go to application: ‘State Development Plan’

State Development Plan – ‘Environment’ subsection

(land-use planning, environment and infrastructure) as of 13 July 2004

Part A

Textual specifications with rationale/explanations have since been published in the Saarland Official Journal, Issue No. 34.

Part B

Graphical specifications can be viewed by the general public in the State Planning Office at the Ministry for the Environment, Keplerstraße 18, 66117 Saarbrücken. In parallel to the publication of the State Development Plan, subsection ‘Environment’, in the Saarland Official Journal, part A, ‘Textual specifications with rationale/explanations’ and part B, ‘Graphical specifications’, have also been made available to the general public here. As a final point, readers are advised that this replaces the 6th Amendment to the State Development Plan, ‘Environment (land-use planning for open spaces, and commercial/industrial use)’, dated 5 March 1999.

Notes on priority areas for wind power (VE):
The Ordinance for the 1st Amendment to the State Development Plan, subsection ‘Environment (land-use planning, environment and infrastructure)’, concerning the revocation of the state planning-related exclusionary effect on priority areas for wind power, entered into force on 27 September 2011.

Hinweis zu den Standortbereichen für die Gewinnung von Rohstoffen (BR):
Durch ein Urteil des OVG vom 29.05.2008 (Az.: 3 C 153/07) wurde die Zielfestlegung des geltenden LEP zu den BR zurückgewiesen. Das Urteil kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass es sich bei den Standortbereichen - sofern es sich um Erweiterungsflächen handelt - aufgrund der fehlenden räumlichen Bestimmtheit bzw. Bestimmbarkeit und einer fehlenden abschließenden Abwägung nicht um Ziele der Raumordnung sondern lediglich um Grundsätze der Raumordnung handelt.

Zur Verordnung



Ministerium für Inneres, Bauen und Sport
Referat OBB11 "Landesplanung, Bauleitplanung"
Dr. Andrea Chlench
Telefon: +49 681 501-4260