
Aus Geoportal


On this page, we keep you informed of recent developments. You’ll find news about the Geoportal itself, as well as news about developments relevant for the Geoportal and SDI in general.

GDI-DE Newsletter 12/2021

01 December 2021

The GDI-DE Coordination Unit publishes its newsletter to keep subscribers informed of recent developments at GDI-DE. First issued in 2006, the GDI-DE Newsletter has since been published at regular intervals, providing a quick summary of recent topics.

GDI Newsletter 12/2021

New standard land values for 2020 (BORIS)

01 October 2021

Standard land values have been updated as usual and are now available throughout Saarland with almost full coverage in the Geoportal.

New standard land values for 2020 (BORIS)

5th Geospatial Progress Report published

28 July 2021

The 5th Geospatial Progress Report has now been published, and is available as an accessible PDF document on the website maintained by the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Spatial Information (IMAGI)

A corresponding press release has also been published:

Presentation of at 2021 Digital Day

27 May 2021

GDI-DE and the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy will be presenting the new at the 2021 Digital Day. A description of the campaign ‘Making discoveries: digital maps in just 3 clicks’ can be found in the campaign overview at

INSPIRE Monitoring 2020

03 February 2021

Amendments introduced by Regulation (EU) 2019/1010 of 5 June 2019 and Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/1372 on monitoring and reporting have changed the monitoring and reporting procedures for INSPIRE.
Monitoring has now been migrated to an automated procedure, i.e. key figures will be calculated automatically on the basis of metadata for data and services. The changes made aim to simplify monitoring and reporting, while achieving improved comparability and lessening the administrative effort that is required to prepare reports.

Further details can be found here.

The results of 2020 INSPIRE monitoring have been published on the INSPIRE Geoportal.

INSPIRE progress report

Relaunch of Geoportal Saarland

29 June 2020

As the information and interaction platform for Saarland’s spatial data infrastructure (GDI-SL), Geoportal Saarland provides centralised and uniform online access to the spatial data and maps available in Saarland. Launched in 2010, the system has since undergone a process of continuous improvement to meet changing requirements. Created by a developer community consisting of the GDI Coordinating Units in Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, the system is based on free and open source software. The system is networked with various other portals via interfaces and therefore represents a core component of Saarland’s e-government activities. To ensure the long-term operation of this important application as well as the security of the personal data of platform users, a project to revise the underlying software and to modernise the user interface was started at the end of 2018. Since the Geoportal networks national (German) and European data together, this has been made possible only by the systematic implementation of European standards.

Relaunch press release 07/2020

What’s new?
Alongside a more modern layout, the data and metadata search is also more user-friendly, since the intermediate step via ‘Interactive data’ has now been removed. Another highlight is an integrated search for data in Germany’s spatial data catalogue and the data catalogue from the EU Commission. In addition, a more advanced map viewer can also be used, alongside the ‘traditional’ viewer.

Information about the relaunch

New GDI-DE test suite published

29 May 2020

Redesigned from scratch, the new GDI-DE test suite was released on 28 May 2020.
The GDI-DE test suite can be used to check metadata, spatial datasets and services for conformity to national and international standards, as well as the specifications set out in the EU INSPIRE Directive.

GDI-DE test suite

GDI-DE Eckpunktepapier zum Thema OZG veröffentlicht

29. April 2020

Anfang März hat der Vorsitz in Abstimmung mit dem Lenkungsgremium GDI-DE das Eckpunktepapier "Berücksichtigung von Geodaten und Geodateninfrastrukturen bei der Umsetzung des Onlinezugangsgesetzes (OZG)" veröffentlicht.
Es ist ein Angebot seitens der GDI-DE zum Querschnittsthema Geoinformation zu beraten, um dessen Wertschöpfungspotential in die konkrete Anwendung zu bringen. Das Papier erläutert, auch anhand von Praxisbeispielen, warum Geodaten eine Schlüsselressource im nationalen E-Government darstellen und ebenso wie Geodateninfrastrukturen einen Mehrwert in der öffentlichen Verwaltung bieten.

Geodaten und Onlinezugangsgesetz

Handlungsempfehlung Ver- und Entsorger

09. August 2018

Handlungsempfehlung legt bundesweit einheitliches Verfahren zur Meldung der Metadaten zur Umsetzung der INSPIRE-Richtlinie vor. Handlungsempfehlung zur Identifizierung INSPIRE relevanter Geodaten für geodatenhaltende Stellen, Version 2.0.2, veröffentlicht.

Handlungsempfehlung Ver- und Entsorger

Länderübergreifende Geoportal-Lösung

31. Mai 2017

Rheinland-Pfalz, Hessen und das Saarland haben im Team ihre Geoportale auf Basis einer Open-Source-Lösung entwickelt. Die Portale sind eine Blaupause auch für andere Betreiber einer Geodaten-Infrastruktur.

Länderübergreifende Geoportal-Lösung

Nationale Geoinformationsstrategie

17. Mai 2017

Nationale Geoinformations-Strategie von Bund, Ländern und Kommunen beschlossen (NGIS).

Nationale Geoinformationsstrategie