Strategische Laermkartierung 2017/en
Strategic noise pollution mapping (2017)
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Noise pollution is becoming one of the biggest environmental problems in Europe. The EU Environmental Noise Directive pursues the aim of reducing, preventing or mitigating the harmful effects that result from environmental noise pollution.
To achieve this, strategic noise pollution maps are used to obtain a comprehensive analysis of environmental noise in areas exposed to various noise sources.
In a joint project run by the Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Safety and the Saarland Council of Cities and LGAs, noise pollution maps are therefore prepared for all major traffic routes used by more than 3 million vehicles per year.
Ministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz
Referat E/3 "Immissionsschutz, Anlagentechnik"
Nadine Uhrhan
Telefon: +49 681 501-4607