
Aus Geoportal

Legal notice



Landesamt für Vermessung, Geoinformation und Landentwicklung (LVGL)
Zentrale Stelle Geodateninfrastruktur Saarland
Von der Heydt 22
66115 Saarbrücken, Germany
Phone: +49 681 9712-03
Fax: +49 681 9712-200

VAT identification number

DE 138 118 276

Responsible for content

Landesamt für Vermessung, Geoinformation und Landentwicklung (LVGL)
Von der Heydt 22
66115 Saarbrücken, Germany
Phone: +49 681 9712-03
Fax: +49 681 9712-200

Website management

Landesamt für Vermessung, Geoinformation und Landentwicklung (LVGL)
Tobias Harth
Phone: +49 681 9712–314

Copyright and conditions of use

All text, photos, graphics, audio, video and animation files and their arrangements are subject to copyright and other laws designed to protect intellectual property.

The service content that is accessible via search queries is not provided by the Portal operator but by the respective authority that manages the spatial data. For details of the responsible party in each case, as well as the service content and conditions of use, please consult the metadata provided by the service. For legally binding information and advice, please consult the competent authorities, whom you can identify from the metadata for the respective service. For information and advice about the Portal, please contact the Zentrale Stelle GDI-SL, Landesamt für Vermessung, Geoinformation und Landentwicklung des Saarlandes, at the following address:

Landesamt für Vermessung, Geoinformation und Landentwicklung des Saarlandes
Zentrale Stelle Geodateninfrastruktur Saarland
Von der Heydt 22
66115 Saarbrücken, Germany
Phone: +49 681 9712-03
Fax: +49 681 9712-200


© „Saarland Öffentlichkeitsarbeit“

Picture credits for applications

Bathing facilities in Saarland Saarland Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (Saarland PR)
Zoning plans Saarland Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (Saarland PR)
Contaminated areas according to German fertiliser legislation      F. Mohr
Biosphere Bliesgau H. Zeck
Standard land values U. Krassow
Soil conservation Dr. K. D. Fetzer
Air traffic F. Schmitt
Forest management Dr. V. Wild
Geographic reference data M. Rink
Geology Dr. B. Barth
Property tax Ministry of Finance and Science
Flooding Dr. J. Götzinger
Investment promotion Pormezz -
State Development Planning State Development Plan, Environment Ministry
Landscape programme P. Schneider
Agriculture A. Hoffmann
Air Quality Index Dr. I. Zell
Rural development H. Neisius
Mobility Dr. B. Barth
Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park      Dr. V. Wild
Natura 2000 Dr. A. Bettinger (ZfB)
Saar-Hunsrück Nature Park Saar-Hunsrück Nature Park
Network operators M. Rink
Photovoltaics on agrarian land Photovoltaics, Ökostrom Saar GmbH
Cycle route map Saarland Tourism Centre
Spatial planning registry Dr. B. Barth
SaarBoBeKa European Space Agency (ESA)
Protected area registry M. Hartmann
Sentinel-2 Airbus Defence and Space
Solar roof registry Sun Area
Strategic noise pollution mapping Dr. A. Johann
Water Saarland Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (Saarland PR)
WebAtlas DE M. Rink
Wind power Dr. B. Barth
Wind Energy Atlas N. Sacca
Heat energy registry Fernwärmeverbund Saar und IZES gGmbH

Picture credits for sliding gallery on welcome page

Renewable energy      Saarland Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (Saarland PR)
Protected areas Dr. B. Barth
Solar irradiation      Ministry of Economy, Labor, Energy and Transport


We accept no liability and offer no guarantees for the currency, accuracy or completeness of the information as provided. In particular, the Central GDI-SL Unit (Zentrale Stelle GDI-SL) at the State Office for Land Registries, Surveying and Mapping (Landesamt für Kataster-, Vermessungs- und Kartenwesen) accepts no liability for any losses or consequences arising from the direct or indirect use of the content as offered. The Central GDI-SL Unit further reserves the right to change or amend the information provided as and when necessary.

The service content that is accessible via search queries is not provided by the Portal operator but by the respective authority that manages the spatial data. For details of the responsible party in each case, as well as the service content, please consult the metadata provided by the service. For legally binding information and advice, please consult the competent authorities, whom you can identify from the metadata for the respective service.


The pages on GeoPortal Saarland may contain links to pages on other websites. Links can normally be identified by hovering the mouse pointer over the link text, which will then change its appearance (typically, an arrow pointer will change to a hand pointer). Activating the link will open a new browser window. Although we carefully review all content linked to, we can accept no liability for the content of external websites we link to. The operators of these external websites we link to bear sole responsibility for their content. Linked content is only briefly checked and assessed when creating the link. A process whereby linked content is reviewed on a continuous basis is neither envisaged nor feasible.

Complaint procedure of the EU Commission:

The EU Commission's platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution can be found at We would like to point out that we are not willing to participate in out-of-court dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Consumer arbitration board:

The consumer arbitration board responsible for our webshop according to the Consumer Dispute Settlement Act (VSBG) is the

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Straßburger Str. 8
77694 Kehl, Germany